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🗓️ Monthly Review - 2024

Reflecting on my journey through a monthly review, where I meticulously scrutinize past achievements and endeavors. This process isn't just about accountability; it's a strategic examination that unveils valuable insights into my professional evolution.


January - 2024

  • Started learning the R programming language for Data Science.
  • Contributed to a Spring Boot service to consume new patch data from Kafka and parse it, without even coding in Java before.
  • Started working on my portfolio website.

February - 2024

  • Completed setting up my portfolio.
  • Bought my first domain on GoDaddy, set up the Vercel server, and set it as the root CNAME for the domain.
  • Completed Fundamentals of Network Engineering course.
  • Created a high throughput API that processes requests using jobs.

March - 2024

April - 2024

May - 2024

  • Migrated a core production use MongoDB collection from one database to another.

June - 2024